Die vegane Küche im Eco Park Hotel Azalea ist ein Erlebnis: eine Reise in die Welt des guten Geschmacks, des Slow Food und der Kreativität. Farben, Düfte und Emotionen prägen Ihren Urlaub in Ihrem veganen Hotel in den Bergen.
At Eco Park Hotel Azalea, you have the opportunity to experience Chef Pravas' original and creative cuisine. His cuisine is not only authentic, but also healthy: the dishes do not contain animal by-products, refined sugars, nightshade vegetables and other unhealthy substances such as caffeine and alcohol. The selected ingredients are organic, seasonal, from 0 km away and often come directly from our biodynamic garden (read more in this post): THE SOCIAL GARDEN OF THE ECO PARK HOTEL AZALEA), small producers and fair trade are naturally preferred.
Pravas is originally from Veneto, but his art goes around the world: he comes from the world of art and theatre, a life full of creativity that has found its best expression in the development of an incomparable vegan cuisine.
In The Essence of Raw (2012, Sonda), Mathieu Gallant uses words that are very close to Pravas' culinary attitude:
Cooking is not an art that is passively received like painting or music, but it touches us in every cell. Depending on the nutritional properties of the ingredients used and the creativity of the cook, his creations can change, transform and heal the people who eat them.
The artist becomes his own work, not through an external presentation, but through an intimate personal transformation.
Pravas truly puts everything into every dish, and this emotional, creative and spiritual commitment is received with joy and emotion by anyone sensitive enough to listen. One of our dear guests writes about Pravas' cooking: "It is an experience that uplifts the soul".
Prava's cuisine is a cuisine that has to be experienced. Give up any resistance and let yourself be taken on this journey of flavours, colours and sensations.